Passed 70-534 exam yesterday! The exam begins with about 20 multiple choise questions, including some drag and drop questions. Then about 5 scenarios, each scenario has about 7-10 questions. And, there were few questions on infrastructure components of Azure. Some were on connections like ExpressRoute, Site to Site VPN and so on. The 70-534 exam is not as difficult as you think, the following are main parts of the full exam for referring:
1. Design Microsoft Azure infrastructure and networking (15–20%)
2. Secure resources (15–20%)
3. Design an application storage and data access strategy (15–20%)
4. Design an advanced application (15–20%)
5. Design websites (15–20%)
6. Design a management, monitoring, and business continuity strategy (15–20%)
I learned PassLeader 70-534 exam dumps before taking exam, and 95%+ exam questions are came from it.
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