I just took and passed MB5-705 exam yesterday for my first try! My exam was 90 minutes long with 45 multi-choice questions. Questions vary between “find the right answer” and “choose 2 or 3 answers that form part of the solution”, no case studies. The pass score was 700 and I got 920, here are some high-level topics in my real exam:
— 1. Explain projects and project management;
— 2. Define Microsoft Dynamics Sure Step;
— 3. Initiate a project and prepare for the diagnostic phase;
— 4. Deliver Decision Accelerators;
— 5. Generate a proposal and final licensing and services agreements;
— 6. Describe project management disciplines;
— 7. Use waterfall delivery;
— 8. Use agile delivery;
— 9. Manage the deployment and operations phases. (P.S. All topics are weighted equally).
I learned PassLeader 146q MB5-705 exam dumps, guys who are studying for this exam, I wish you the best of luck!